Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My New Hobby!!

I got a new hobby!! Well, not entirely new, just that I re-picked up again recently. My new hobby is…Knitting!! I know it sounds like an ‘auntie’ hobby, but I was really so bored that picked up my old yarn and needle and start doing something, and I have always like doing some cross stitch and stuff.
All along I only know about casting, knit and stitch. So wanting to try something else I search the net. Youtube is such a wonderful site. Haha. I can find all sorta videos on casting on, different stitches, so on and so forth.
When I was doing my knitting, I am watching Naruto at the same time. So I was trying to do 2 things at once. Watching a Japanese anime and doing knitting, and my Japanese is not good enough for me to listen without subtitle. So if I am too engrossed with knitting then all that went into my ears are ‘xxx, dattebayo’, the names and some of the jitsu. So it means I don’t understand more than half. Now I have done do pouches, one in single color, the other I tried including other colors. The result wasn’t as bad as I thought it would, so am quite glad. Now I will try to make something else other than pouches and hope I can succeed. (^.^)

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